Liz Harfull

Popular titles now back in print

Front cover - lower resolutionDue to popular demand,  Liz Harfull’s first book about the traditions of country shows and show cooking has been reprinted in time for Mother’s Day 2015, and so has her book about the unique, historic seaside town of Robe.

The Blue Ribbon Cookbook was first released in 2008. Now in its 5th print run, it has become a classic for people interested in the world of country shows and traditional home-baking and preserving, with recipes and tips handed down through generations of show cooks across South Australia.

Also back in print is Almost an Island: the Story of Robe, which was released in December 2013 after more than six years of research, writing and photography by Liz. This beautiful hard-cover book of almost 300 pages, is crammed with contemporary images, rare historic photos, and stories and memories from generations of residents and holidaymakers in one of southern Australia’s best loved seaside towns.Robe Cover AW 5.indd

Robe featured recently in the History Channel’s Coast Australia series, with Liz helping to tell the story of more than 16,000 Chinese who landed there on their way to the Victorian Goldfields, in what is described as one of the greatest treks in Australian history. The book also explores summer holiday traditions, one of the oldest surfing competitions in the world, still held every Easter at Robe, and the town’s role in establishing SAFCOL, the country’s first fishing co-operative.

In a recent review, History Council President of SA Susan Marsden described it as “more than another coffee table book”, “written with love and care… This is a well-researched, well-written and beautifully-illustrated history as well as a pleasure to browse.”

Published by Wakefield Press, both books can be ordered direct from the author (email or your nearest bookshop.

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